藝術 Art - 展覽 Exhibition / 活動 Event

心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019



參展畫家 Introduction of the Exhibitors

吳炫樺 (元朗校藝術總監)


吳女仕於2005年皈依暢懷法師,2005至2009年在香港大學佛學研究中心就讀漢文佛典課程,畢業後在香港法相學會學習禪修,每天習定,2013年至2019年在香港真言宗居土林開辦講座,以《佛經選要》淨土篇為研究主題,亦於佛教法相學會主講「淨土經論選講」系列講座。2016年在香港大會堂演奏廳講解「淨土.緣」講座,2017年在香港大會堂展覽廳舉辦「淨薈美術展覽 2017 一 不思議界」,以繪畫和動畫片展現莊嚴美妙的淨土和清靜修行的佛寺境界。

2019年在法國昂熱具五百多年歷史的古堡佩尼堂館和多納迪沙龍舉辦佛教藝術講座、畫展和禪修系列「心靈驛站 - 法國文化藝術之旅」;籌辦在香港大會堂劇院一連九場的 「淨土·緣」藝術弘法系列,集佛法、音樂和繪畫三者給合的表演活動。


Miss Ng Yuen Wa (Art Director of Yuen Long School)
Ms Ng Yuen-wa obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. She was the First Prize winner of the Olympic Arts and Sport Contest 2000 and awarded, the Silver Prize of the 28th Worldwide Heritage Committee Arts Exhibition and a Fellowship for Artistic Development by The Hong Kong Arts Development Council, as well as the Prize of the Ninth Chinese Fine Arts Exhibition.

She has held four solo exhibitions in Hong Kong. Apart from creating art, she has published original lithograph books and individual art books. She also designed a huge mural for Mei Foo MTR Station from 2001 to 2003. Her works have been collected by the Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Hong Kong Economic and Trade offices in San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Brussels and Geneva, United Airline, Fringe Club in Hong Kong, Hong Kong MTR Corporation, the Art Museum of the White Horse Temple, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art, Shenzhou Museum in China and art collectors in China and overseas.

She converted to Buddhism under Venerable Cheong Wai in 2005 and studied the Certificate Course in Buddhist Textual Studies at the Centre of Buddhist Studies of the University of Hong Kong from 2005 to 2009. After graduation, she studied meditation at The Dharmalakshana Buddhist Institute and practices it every day. She also gave lectures at The Hong Kong Mantra School For Lay Buddhists on the topic “Buddhist sutras: Pure Land” from 2013 to 2019. She has also organized a series of seminars with the same topic later at The Dharmalakshana Buddhist Institute. In 2017, she organized "Wondrous Realm: The Pure Land Art Exhibition 2017" with her paintings and animations. It is a perfect combination of religion and art, not only emitting unprecedented artistic charisma, but also popularizing the wonderful state of the Land of Bliss among people.

Upon the invitation by the International Festival of Tourism and the University of Angers of France, Ms Ng held a painting exhibition and organize Buddist talk and meditation, namely Station de l'esprit - Arts Voyages du Pure Land Assembly en France 2019 in the 3rd Angers International Culture Art Tourism Festival. The exhibition and activity venues are the 500-year historical ex-residential place of Catholic monks in the 15th century namely Hotel des Penitentes & the city centre art gallery namely Les Salons Donadieu in Angers of France. She organised "Pureland as A Haven for Our Mind culture and art series - Serendipity with Pure Land" at the Hong Kong City Hall Theatre in 2019, integrating Buddhist Dharma with Music and Fine art together to interpret the Pure Land.

吳炫樺 Miss Ng Yuen Wa按圖放大放大 Zoom in

陳雪玲 Kitty Chan
本人希望對摯愛無價的表達。在這些畫作的靈感裏,從詠然在這兩年間的片段留下美好難忘的回 憶。並且在時光消逝下,她變得更勇敢,自信和成熟。

Kitty Chan
Kitty was inspired by her talented niece, Wing and wanted to capture every single moment of her life in order to express her love toward her. She started to follow Miss Ng Yuen Wa at Ng’s art school for some years with her niece and developed an interest in painting, especially pastel sketching water painting. Kitty would like to capture and share Wing’s precious moments when she’s studying abroad with a serious of activities photo shots taken by Wing. These memorable and unforgettable experiences had made Wing developed into a mature girl and that’s what I am proud of.

陳雪玲 Kitty Chan按圖放大放大 Zoom in

霍維美 May Fok
生於香港的我,中學時期已熱愛藝術,於 2011 年經朋友的介紹下,走進吳氏藝院參觀,就 這樣開始跟隨吳老師習畫,她啟發了我的繪畫創 作,從此繪畫便走進了我的生活裡。

作畫時更能帶給我無比的喜悅、滿足和幻想, 從沒有想過繪畫會這麼有趣味!由開始的一張紙, 一支畫筆,選擇題材及色調等等,過程總是令人著迷,當畫作完成後,更會有回味無窮的感覺。


May Fok
I was born in Hong Kong. I had my passion in art since secondary school. In 2011, I was introduced to Ng’s Art School by a friend and then started learning painting from my mentor Miss Ng . She inspired my creation and brought painting into my life.

Painting makes me very happy and gives me satisfaction and fantasy. I never thought it was so interesting. From choosing the medium, to themes and colors, the process is so amazing. When my work was done, I was so thrilled. Hope this exhibition is a big success. it is indeed a Priceless experience for me.

霍維美 May Fok按圖放大放大 Zoom in

黎思朗 Canace Lai
Canace graduated from a business school in Canada with a career background in fashion. Her works have been showcased at “Priceless: a continuum of moments artexhibition”, which took place at Hong Kong City Hall in 2017.

Her style resembles youthful innocence with a dream to display happiness. By illustrating different scenes, her paintings capture story-telling moments thatare both touching and worth sharing to the audience.

黎思朗 Canace Lai按圖放大放大 Zoom in

黃堅 Caine Wong

我的創作受文藝復興時期德國大師杜勒(Albrecht Dürer) 的木刻版畫影響,一系列以《惡夢》為題的鋼筆畫以交叉影線(Cross Hatching)的方式繪畫。這系列的畫作描繪的是我在低潮期間曾夢見的惡夢。這系列既提醒我自己經歷心理戰爭的原因和過程,亦希望觀者能在畫中找到共鳴,明白自己從來都不孤獨,所有問題都是能夠解決的。面對事情,過後更能釋懷,最後放下。

Caine Wong
The world is not perfect. It is not a beautiful place as depicted in the mainstream media narrative, but a mixture of bloody history. Life is hard and human nature is dark. Nevertheless, many people choose to live in lies and force themselves to believe the world is a good place because only then they can have the motivation to continue to live. They indulge themselves in mass entertainment, trying to numb their mind and be detached from all negativity. I hope my works can make the audience confront the fact that the nature of man is evil and the world we are living is dreadful and full of problems.

My works were influenced by the prints of Albrecht Dürer, master of the German Renaissance. “Nightmare” is a series of pen-and-ink drawing created with the technique of cross-hatching. This series was produced during the low point of my life. I drew the images I saw in my nightmares. These works constantly remind me of why and how I experience inner conflicts. I hope that my works strike a chord with those who share the same struggle in life. I hope these works can help audiences to realize that they are not alone and that all problems have solutions. I wish audiences can eventually be motivated to overcome their adversity and be relieved.

黃堅 Caine Wong按圖放大放大 Zoom in

許雲媖 Winnie Hui
曾參與展覽 2009 地方 • 印象 香港視覺藝術中心 Exhibitions 2009 The Moments, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre, Hong Kong 從二 OO 四年,帶著兩歲的女兒到吳氏藝院一起習畫到現在,其間接觸油畫、粉彩及水彩畫,但 最後專注水彩,因其多變的特性,可堅可柔,亦喜歡挑戰其靈活性。她享受繪畫帶來的平靜,相信藝術是人類的共同語言,並能夠治療人的心靈。

Winnie Hui
Winnie has started painting at Ng’s Art School with her two-year old daughter since 2004. She has been exposed to the painting techniques on oil, pastel and water color. She focuses on water color painting because of its versatility, likes the challenges of utilizing its varieties of forms and techniques. She enjoys the calmness of painting. She believes that art is a common language of mankind and be able to heal the human mind.

許雲媖 Winnie Hui按圖放大放大 Zoom in

郭曉君 Quin Kwok


Quin Kwok
Born and raised in Hong Kong, Ms KWOK Hiu-kwan, Quin has nurtured her passion towards arts in her secondary age when she started to learn drawing from a prominent local artist. From polishing drawing skills to nourishing self-content temperament over the years, drawing has become an essential element of her life, in particular for rejuvenating herself through the search of a calm, peaceful and refreshed state of mind amid the restless living.

In recent years, Quin has focused her artworks on portrayal of human characters by capturing unique feelings and moments. What she finds more intriguing is the kind of spiritual and intimate connection attached between the characters and herself in the course of drawing. Filled with resplendent and interweaving colours, her artworks always emanate traces of glamour and delicacy.

郭曉君 Quin Kwok按圖放大放大 Zoom in

郭懿婷 Tammy Kwok

Tammy Kwok
We are all facing changes in different phases in life. No matter you smile for the birth or you tear for the death, life keeps moving on with countless precious moments. With Tammy’s strong belief in colors as a great tool to convey one's emotions, she wishes to bring you to her journey of life through her paintings.

郭懿婷 Tammy Kwok按圖放大放大 Zoom in

李楚雯 Annie LI
畢業於香港中文大學,獲社會科學士學位,是一位註册社會工作者,自少年已 喜歡繪畫,屢獲學校嘉獎,從觀察大自然獲創作靈感,她的花草畫作,喚醒人 們對大自然的讚美!

Annie LI
She obtained the Bachelor of Social Science from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is a registered social worker. She has been interested in painting since her teens and gained awards in school. She has got the creative inspiration when observing nature. Her paintings on flowers and plants arouse people to appreciate the beauty of nature.

李楚雯 Annie LI按圖放大放大 Zoom in

趙慧儀 Chiu Wai Yee
趙慧儀(作之)一九五八年在香港出生,柏立基教育學院畢業。自一九八○年起,隨著名畫家 周綠雲學繪畫。一九八四年,在香港藝術中心舉行首次個展。她的作品,屬於具有創造性和鮮明 色彩的水墨畫,風格獨特。近期作品則包括混合媒體及裝置。一九八五年,她獲邀參加蒙地卡羅 第十九屆當代藝術國際評審獎入選者展覽。同年,她應邀到菲律賓亞耶拉藝術館舉行個展。此 後,她多次參加了在本港、中國、南韓、馬來西亞、加拿大及法國的當地及國際展覽。二○一四 年作品入選由中國海外交流協會與文化部主辦首屆《慶祝中華人民共和國成立 65 周年全球華人書 畫展》。她的作品廣被阿耶拉藝術館、亞洲發展銀行及多個公共及私人機構所收藏。

Chiu Wai Yee
CHIU Wai-yee was born in Hong Kong in 1958. Since 1980, she studied painting under well-known artist Irene Chou. In 1984, she had her first solo exhibition at the Hong Kong Arts Centre . Her works, many of which are innovative and intriguing Chinese water colour while she creates mixed media and installation works more recently. Her work was selected for the XIXth International Prix of Contemporary Art Exhibition of Monte Carlo in Monaco in 1985. In the same year, she was invited to hold a solo exhibition at the Ayala Museum in the Philippines. Since then, she has participated in many important local and international exhibitions in Hong Kong, China, Korea, Malaysia, Canada and France. Her works had been selected in “World’s Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition in Celebration of the 65th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China” organized by Chinese Overseas Exchanges Association and Ministry of Culture in 2014. Her works are in the collection of Ayala Museum, Asian Development Bank as well as public and private collections.

趙慧儀 Chiu Wai Yee按圖放大放大 Zoom in

吳韻怡 Sonia Ng
吳韻怡於 2013 年修畢由香港浸會大學持續教育學院頒授的視覺藝術 評賞與創作專業文憑後,對於藝術創作產生濃厚興趣。 隨後於 2017 年前往香港大會堂展覽廳「淨薈美術展覽 2017 一 不思議界」接觸到吳炫樺老師的畫作,深受感動及影響。 繼而跟隨吳老 師習畫。 由於吳韻怡是一名佛教徒,作品題材都具有佛教元素。

Sonia Ng<
After Sonia obtained her Professional Diploma in Visual Arts Appreciation and Artmaking from School Of Continuing Education Hong Kong Bapist University, she has been interested in painting.

She was inspired by Miss Ng Yuen Wa's exhibition which was Wondrous Realm: The Pure Land Art Exhibition 2017. Then she started learning painting from Miss Ng Yuen Wa.

Since Sonia is a buddhist. Her artworks have some buddhistic elements.

吳韻怡 Sonia Ng按圖放大放大 Zoom in

唐楚彥 Augustine Tong
他是香港執業律師和國際公証人。從小熱愛中國文學和藝 術,鍾情於山水畫作,特別是嶺南派的清雅飄逸、詩情畫 意的山水畫,及天下第一鳥的神似、真摯和美感,嘆為觀 止。他雖然學習中國畫只有二年多的時間,但差不多每一 個晚上,都拿起畫筆、畫紙作畫,作洗滌心靈,忘卻滾滾 紅塵的俗務和煩惱。正如心經所載“心無墨礙、無墨礙故, 無有恐怖,遠離顛倒夢想”,的人畫合一境界。

Augustine Tong
Augustine is a practicing Solicitor of Hong Kong and a qualified UK Solicitor. He is also a Notary Public of Hong Kong.

During his childhood, he fell in love with Chinese literature and arts, particularly landscape artworks and was greatly impressed by the artworks. He is deeply fascinated by the Lingnan style landscape painting, its rugged mountains, misty scene, waterfalls, the ever-changing style according to the ever-changing style artistic conception with vivid color and the western arts skill. One can integrate his mind, affection and the beauty of nature into the landscape painting.

He started to learn Chinese paintings some 2 years ago. However, he likes to practice Chinese paintings almost every night. This would purify his soul and release his stress, anxiety and worries which is a kind of mediation.

唐楚彥 Augustine Tong按圖放大放大 Zoom in


何佩玲 Agnes Ho
何佩玲在吳氏藝院習畫二十多年. 她對不同文化有著濃厚興趣, 更被他們各自對愛的傳遞所吸引, 形形式式, 都是從一個愛的角度出發, 堅守信念. 每一個無價時刻都被她緊緊的收藏在畫中.

Agnes Ho
Agnes Ho has been painting for more than 20 years at Ng’s Art School. She has always been attracted to different cultures. Visiting many countries have greatly enhanced her curiosity towards varies cultures and she finds them very interesting in their own ways of delivering the meaning of Love. She captures these priceless moments and allow them to shine through in her drawings.

何佩玲 金按圖放大放大 Zoom in


心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019
心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019 心靈驛站 - 法國藝術之旅2019
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